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Jun 06, 2012· On 19 July 1969 in Cape Town, Plaintiff and the deceased were married out of community of property (with community of property and accrual being excluded). In December 2008 Plaintiff instituted divorce proceedings against the deceased. Plaintiff claimed, inter alia, a decree of divorce, redistribution in terms of Section 7(3) of the Act and ...
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Cape Advanced Engineering (Pty) Ltd. Telephone: +27 21 577 3413. Fax: +27 21 577 3414. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: 08:00 – 16:00 . CAE Energy and Sales:
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Cape Town (Afrikaans: Kaapstad [ˈkɑːpstat]; Xhosa: iKapa;) is the second most populous city in South Africa after Johannesburg and also the legislative capital of South Africa.Colloquially named the Mother City, it is the largest city of the Western Cape province and forms part of the City of Cape Town metropolitan municipality.The Parliament of South Africa sits in Cape Town.
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