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à vendre nome alaska.

Nome (Inupiaq: Sitnasuaq) é uma cidade primária na Região Censitária de Nome, Alasca, Estados Unidos, localizado no sul da costa da península de Seward em Norton Sound, Mar de Bering.De acordo com a certificação do estado do Alasca de 2008, a população da cidade era de 3570 habitantes.Nome foi incorporada em 9 de Abril de 1901, e era uma das cidades mais populosas do Alasca.
Mar 18, 2014· After the “rush of the season to Cape Nome” in 1900, the “beach between Nome and Cripple rivers, a distance of about 20 miles, was soon crowded with two and three tiers of tents; rockers, sluices and all manner of gold-saving machines were set up as long as there was room for them, regardless of the extent or value of available sands to work,” reported The Engineering and Mining ...
Nome (Siqnazuaq in Iñupiaq) is a city in the Nome Census Area in the Unorganized Borough of the U.S. state of Alaska, located on the southern Seward Peninsula coast on Norton Sound of the Bering Sea. According to a 2008 State of Alaska certification, the city population was 3,570. By next year, the population had risen to 3,653.
Welcome to Nome, Alaska! Where the greatest claim to fame is being home to the 'world's largest gold pan' and the ending point of the most famous sled dog race the world - the Iditarod. Flickr - Sir Mildred Pierce. The northwestern town of Nome, Alaska is located on the southern edge of the Seward Peninsula on Norton Sound. This particular area ...
Nome is a cruise port in northwest Alaska, located on Seward Peninsula's southern end and facing Bering Sea. Nome AK is a transport, tourist and commercial hub of an Alaskan gold mining region. Nome has a deep-water seaport used by cargo vessels and cruise ships. The port is located on the southern side of Seward Peninsula (in Norton Sound).
Living in today’s world, it might be difficult to imagine the challenges that greeted four women who arrived in the remote outpost of Nome, Alaska, in 1902. But these were no ordinary women. They were Sisters of Providence, on a mission to ensure the people in this gold-rush town had access to care.
Nome (/ ˈ n oʊ m /; Inupiaq: Siqnazuaq IPA: [siqnɐzuɑq], Sitŋasuaq) is a city in the Nome Census Area in the Unorganized Borough of Alaska, United States.The city is located on the southern Seward Peninsula coast on Norton Sound of the Bering Sea.In 2018 the population was estimated at 3,866, a rise from the 3,598 recorded in the 2010 Census, up from 3,505 in 2000.
Nome Offshore Minerals Lease Sale, September 28, 2011 – Alaska … (Nome, AK) – On September 28 the Alaska Department of Natural Resources ( ADNR) held a …Interest in offshore mining for gold at Nome has increased dramatically in recent … Unlike uplands, miners cannot stake mining claims offshore. »More detailed
A city of just 3,600 year-round residents, Nome offers dozens of opportunities to dive into cultural, historic, and natural attractions. Scenic drives, military and gold rush era landmarks, and local festivals help you connect with the land, sea and people of Nome. Getting here takes some effort, so plan to stay 1-3 full days to explore the town’s rich history and get to know its people.
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