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gyrobroyeur voltex.
VOLTEX is typically not installed over pile caps but cut to fittightly around pile caps. Then apply a minimum 19 mm (3/4”) thick filletof BENTOSEAL at intersection of VOLTEX and the piling (Figure 1.12) with Waterstoppage under VOLTEX at the piling edge. BENTOSEAL should extend onto VOLTEX and piling a minimum of 50 mm (2”) at 19 mm
VOLTEX is designed for below-grade waterproofing applications where the product is properly confined. VOLTEX products should not be installed in standing water or over ice. If ground water contains strong acids, alkalies, or is of a conductivity of 2,500 μmhos/cm or greater, water samples should be submitted to the manufacturer for ...
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Les amateurs de formes simples, . Si comme moi vous êtes amateurs des fameuses chaises du couple Eames, vous vous êtes certainement déjà posé la question : où acheter une chaise Eames. Toute la gamme de mobilier, chaises , canapés et fauteuils design Vitra disponible chez Voltex. Sélection de produits design Vitra esthétiques et atypiques.
VOLTEX is typically not installed over pile caps but cut to it tightly around pile caps. Then apply a minimum 19 mm (3/4”) thick ill et of BENTOSEAL at intersection of VOLTEX and the piling (Figure 1.12) with Waterstoppage under VOLTEX at the piling edge. BENTOSEAL should extend onto VOLTEX and piling a minimum of 50 mm (2”) at 19 mm
Cut VOLTEX® to closely fit around penetra - tions and pile caps. Install VOLCLAY GRAN-ULES under cut VOLTEX® edge at detailing and then apply a minimum 19 mm thick fillet of BENTOSEAL® to top of cut VOLTEX® edge at penetrations, pile caps, ground beams, and other detailing. Extend BENTOSEAL® onto VOLTEX® and dleaat mimniium o f 50 mm.
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